Indologia is a curated book list.
Indologia is a collection of important ideas.
Indologia is an attempt to intellectually empower the Dharmik Indian.

Because for far too long have we struggled with the shackles of a marxist narrative.
Too long have we spent in self-contempt, smothered by a falsified history that labeled us ’uncultured pagans’.
And for too long, have we ignored the writings of learned Indic thinkers and authors ! Not anymore!

If you are totally new to the Indic world, then please head over to the Starter section.
If you are a tenured dharmik kshatriya then perhaps my self-curated Booklist might interest you more.
And for those new to the scene, there is a list of who to follow, who to watch at the Indic Wing Directory

Arising out of my sense of civilisational duty, this is my humble offering to you.
If you have suggestions or critique, I eagerly await them. Vande Mataram !

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Who’s who?

Who to follow, who to watch?